
S Launcher (Galaxy S6 Launcher) Prime V3.98 Apk

S Launcher Prime
Download S Launcher (Galaxy S6 Launcher) Prime v3.98 Apk - Apa kabar kawan disini saya akan berbagi informasi mengenai aplikasi yang terbaru yaitu s launcher prime full version dan aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi launcher di android yang akan mengganti tampilan ponsel android rasa samsung galaxy s6, dan aplikasi ini sangat disesuaikan dengan tampilan di samsung galaxy s6, jadi kalau teman-teman ingin menggunakan aplikasi ini langsung download saja ya kawan.

Berikut fitur yang ada di S Launcher  :
  • Support icon theme, compatible with 5000+ icon packs and themes that made for nova launcher, go launcher and apex launcher (Even more, if other launcher’s theme/icon pack use common format, they can be used in S launcher also)
  • Translucent status bar and navigation bar (Only for Android4.4, Android 5.0 devices, and Samsung Galaxy S6,S7, Galaxy Tab/Note devices and some other supported devices)
  • Support edit icon individually
  • Has Galaxy S6 TouchWiz Launcher scrolling effect
  • Menu options in app drawer, and support 4 ways to sort drawer apps
  • Handy sidebar with Cleaner, Torch, Favorite apps, etc
  • Resize any widget
  • Backup and restore launcher setting and layout
  • Import layout from other launcher
  • Highly customizable, 100+ options,below just list some of them for your information

S Launcher Prime Apk S Launcher Prime Free Download
  • 2.2.3+ (Ginger Bread)

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