
Walking War Robots v1.4.2 APK

download Walking War Robots

Free Download Walking War Robots Update Terbaru 2016 - Selamat pagi kawan para pengunjung setia piemen.com, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan sebuah informasi mengenai game android tentunya dengan versi yang terbaru, game ini adalah Walking War Robots Apk. Walking War Robots Apk merupakan game Actions yang berlatar peperangan dalam dunia robot, dengan senjata yang sangat canggih robot saling menghancurkan satu sama lain. Walking War Robots ini dibuat oleh developer Pixonic LLC. 

Game Descriptions :

The latest Walking War Robots APK is updated to 1.4.2. Indeed, there are various games in this world. Not to mention, they are countless in their number. However, each gamer must have favored certain kind of games. If you are a boy, then you might not want to refuse playing military game, right? The nice one that you can consider is Walking War Robots. Have you ever heard about it? It is not a simple game to win, you know. You have to think. This game can only be played with Android 4.1 version or higher. More importantly, you will even need stable internet connection to play it.

If you have seen some images about this game, you will know that it is a not a light-type game. So, no wonder its size can be up to 183MB. So, prepare at least that much size or even more than that in your Android. The main feature in this game includes up to 15 combat robots which have different power to each other. You will also be provided with more than 20 weapons, like ballistic rocket, energy and plasma weapons. With those features, you will be able to combine the robot and the weapon. In other words, you will be making your own war machine in this game. Along your way, you will get allies to help you in every battle too.

You can make robot groups to fight together with your allies. There will also be PvP battle in which you can fight against opponents in the whole world. You have to prove yourself in every map. Use different strategies and tactics to win every battle. If you win and finish your military task, you will get bonus and get the title of the best pilot ever. Walking War Robots for Android sure can be interesting to play, right?

Game Features :

  • 18 battle robots with different strengths;
  • more than 20 weapon types, including ballistic missiles, energy and plasma guns. What will you choose?
  • many possible combinations of robots and weapons. Create a war machine to fit your own play style;
  • create an epic robot squad to stand with your allies in battle;
  • join epic PvP battles against rivals from all over the world;
  • complete military tasks for bonuses and earn the Best Pilot title.

What's New :

  • Revised Gepard design
  • Improved balance for SMS Hydra
  • Ancile shield can now be penetrated by friendly fire
  • Improved in-game contact form

Game informations :

VERSION : 1.4.2
REQUIREMENT : 4.1 and up
PRICE : Free

Screenshot :

Download Walking War Robots apk

Download Walking War Robots apk

Download Walking War Robots apk

Download Walking War Robots apk

Download Walking War Robots apk

Demikian penjelasan singkat kami mengenai game android Walking War Robots Apk semoga apa yang kami bagikan bermanfaat bagi anda, terima kasih. Tetap tunggu update selanjutnya dari pieemen.com
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