
Z War v1.24 APK


Free Download Z War Apk Update Versi Terbaru 2016 - selamat sore kawan pengunjung pieemen.com dimanapun anda berada, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan sebuah informasi mengenai sebuah game android bergenre Strategy War yaitu Z WAR, Z WAR adalah permainan strategy dimana anda membuat sebuah kota membangun pertahanan melawan para zombie, z war diadopsi oleh film word war z.. game ini dibuat oleh developer Mountain Lion, yang kami bagikan adalah versi terbaru dari z war apk, silahkan anda bisa download secara langsung.

Descriptions : Z War APK rendition 1.24 is the diversion that you yell apply in your advanced mobile phone. It will give you the awesome experience. You can download this application in APK record position. It has some elements, for example, the different character, numerous sorts of the troops, the battle other player, you can talk in this diversion with your companion. This diversion is a sort of the zombie amusement. You can make the human advancement be reestablished. The element of this amusement will fulfill you feel and can appreciate the experience. You can play this diversion with your companions by making the collusion. This amusement will give you the likelihood to discover the asset. You can colossal zombie, this zombie is the supervisor.

You ought to battle the manager of zombie with the best weapon. There is the extraordinary weapon with the high caliber. In the event that you get a kick out of the chance to make the group union, you can request that your companion battle together. It will make your energy more; you can play this diversion on the web. This diversion offers you about the brilliant experience, next to the amusement have the great setting; you can discover numerous advantages that can make you win this amusement. This diversion will make you consider the best methodology. You ought to consider about your levels. There is the base that you ought to protection.

Try not to give your adversary a chance to make you lose the amusement. You can appreciate the magnificent amusement in your advanced cell effortlessly. You just need to download this diversion. There are numerous diversions that you can pick in the play store. On the off chance that you like the testing war, you can pick Z War for Android. You will get the brilliant experience. This amusement will enhance your system in confronting the adversary. You will appreciate this diversion after you get this amusement for your android.

Features :
  • Free to play RTS Zombie strategy MMO.
  • Fight together with millions of other generals worldwide.
  • Build a strong, stable city to protect your nation from the undead and other groups of survivors.
  • Research different technologies that will improve your resource production, reduce your building and
  • recruiting times and increase your fighting effectiveness.
  • Command your troops and take on your enemies in real time PVP action.
  • Chat with your comrades and other players in world chat, Alliance chat or private chat.

Informations :
  • Developer : Mountain Lion 
  • Version : 1.24 
  • Requirement : 4.0 and up 
  • Price : Free

What's New :
  • Be ready for cross-server events.
  • Optimize some game files structure
  • Optimized Alloy System
  • Optimized Battle Alarm
  • Add Mail translation
  • Optimized the display of system notification
  • Fix the alliance help bug.
Screenshot :




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