
Clumsy Ninja v1.23.1 APK


Free Download Clumsy Ninja Apk New Update Terbaru 2016 - Selamat malam para pengunjung pieemen.com dimanapun anda berada, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan informasi mengenai game android Clumsy Ninja. Clumsy Ninja merupakan ninja yang tidak bisa apa-apa, dan ceroboh alias “clumsy,” karena itu dalam game ini kamu diberi tugas untuk terus melatihnya hingga ia menjadi ninja yang lebih baik. Animasi pergerakan dari ninja ini pun cukup baik dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang ia lakukan juga cukup menarik. Game  ini hampir mirip dengan Talking Tom. silahkan simak penjelasannya berikut.

Descriptions : The most recent Clumsy Ninja APK 1.23.1 for Android has been discharged, thi is one of virtual pet which permits the players to connect with the feline on screen of the Android gadgets. Besides, it additionally permits the players for playing the agreeable ninja. The conceal saints of the players can complete numerous sorts of the diverse activities which run from the preparation with various gadgets to play with a few of the companions including make proper acquaintance with players. Despite the fact that ninja do a large portion of those exercises consequently, the players are still permitted to connect with him. Indeed, the players likewise can play the balls with ninja by utilizing the fingers for tossing ball back to him.

In the gameplay, the players will accomplish more than simply the playing. It is on the grounds that the players can customize likewise the presence of the ninja by giving him the distinctive hoods and belts. Besides, the players likewise can utilize those for opening the items like the trampolines or punching sacks. This diversion is really fun blend between the virtual pet and computer game. The illustrations on this amusement is basically breathtaking. Also, the plans of ninja and the ways he is vivified genuinely make him looks the genuine treat.

For the individuals who need to get a few free jewels in playing Clumsy Ninja for Android, you can consider to associate the recreations to the face-book account. After around 20 minutes of the play, you will be offered the odds for associating with a specific end goal to get around three precious stones. Be that as it may, you don't need to too quick in spending those jewels since you can spare them for the later on. It will be genuinely useful as you need to open the mew things. To play the Clumsy Ninja for Android, you simply need to just tap on the region on frontal area, left, right, or foundation. You can do those from your android screen. In any case, it must be noticed that you don't need to hold and press on ninja unless you need for swinging him around the screen in ragdoll-styles.

Features :

Informations :
  • Developer : NaturalMotionGames Ltd 
  • Version : 1.23.1 
  • Requirement : 2.3.3 and up 
  • Price : Free

What's New :
  • Kira’s Mastery
  • Young Sensei
  • Ancient Storm

Screenshot :
http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/clumsy-ninja-v1231-apk.html    http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/clumsy-ninja-v1231-apk.html

http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/clumsy-ninja-v1231-apk.html    http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/clumsy-ninja-v1231-apk.html

Demikian penjelasan singkat mengenai Game Android Clumsy Ninja Apk semoga apa yang kami bagikan bermanfaat bagi anda, terima kasih. tetap tunggu update selanjutnya dari pieemen.com


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