
Whoscall - Caller ID & Block APK

Download Whoscall - Caller ID & Block APK V.5.13.1 - Apa kabar kawan pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah aplikasi android terbaru yang baru update, dan Whoscall adalah aplikasi terbaik untuk mengidentifikasi dan memblokir panggilan.Dengan Whoscall, Anda langsung dapat mengidentifikasi panggilan dan pesan teks SMS tidak ada dalam daftar kontak Anda. Whoscall juga membantu Anda memblokir nomor yang tidak diinginkan dan teks seperti spam, penipuan, telemarketer, robocall dan banyak lagi. Mulai melindungi komunikasi telepon Anda sekarang dan menikmati pengalaman panggilan yang menyenangkan. jadi kalau teman-teman tertarik dengan aplikasi android ini bisa langsung download dan instlall di android kalian masing-masing ya kawan.

Features :
  • Instant caller id identification
  • Identify background information of incoming unknown calls and unknown SMS text messages in a blink through tags reported by other users, internet search results, and our comprehensive global database. Say Hello to Strangers
  • Call block / Robocall block / SMS block
  • Block spam, scams, telemarketers, robocalls and SMS texts intelligently to ensure a harassment-free calling experience. Never say Hello to Spammers!
  • Database with over 700 million phone numbers
  • Search global database of 700,000,000 phone numbers.
  • Report Numbers
  • Report name for unknown numbers to create a reliable communication network for everyone. You can help other users avoid spam, scams, telemarketers, robocalls and SMS texts by reporting.
  • Offline Database (Lightning identification)
  • Fast phone number search and offline accessibility
  • (This function only works for numbers in the database)
  • Whoscall Card: Personalized mobile name card
  • Create your own personalized Whoscall Card to show to the others. Whoscall Card works like a mobile name card as your identity is displayed to the other side while calling. Your calls are more likely to be answered and people can easily add you to their favorite list.
  • Making a Post: Your message will automatically be showcased to others
  • With the new post function of Whoscall Card, you can post important messages with enriched photos. Highlights of your posts will be displayed to the other side at the end of the call. Even in a missed call, your message will be delivered and showcased.
  • The offline databases are available only in the following countries (Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea and USA, Brazil, Malaysia etc.).

Screenshots :
System Requirements :
  •  Android v4.0 or higher versions
  • Stable Internet access required for real-time lookup.
  • Use of 3rd party SMS apps might cause blocking failure.
  • Use of battery conservation apps may cause performance issues.
  • Starting from Android 4.4, Google has revoked SMS/MMS permissions from developers. Due to that fact, Whoscall will not be able to block SMS/MMS for Android versions 4.4 and above. call blocking feature is not affected.
  • Due to system limitations of dual sim card phones, Whoscall have to be customized for each device. If your device is not in the following list, Whoscall may have some difficulties operating on that phone. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  • HTC one Dual 802d (Android 4.2.2)
  • Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S6102 (Android 2.3.6)
  • Samsung Galaxy win i8552 (Android 4.1.2)
  • Samsung Grand Duos GT-I9082 (Android 4.1.2)
  • RedMi 2013023 (Android 4.2.2)
  • MTK-mini3 (Android 4.2.2).

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