
Looney Tunes Dash v1.71.06 APK


Free Download Looney Tunes Dash Apk New Update Terbaru 2016 - Selamat pagi para pengunjung pieemen.com dimanapun anda berada, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan informasi mengenai game android yang berjudul Looney Tunes Dash Apk, jika anda pernah menonton serial kartun Looney maka anda akan familiar dengan game yang satu ini, game ketangkasan yang mirip dengan Subway Surver, Looney tunes Dash diambil dari karakter kartun Looney seekor kelinci yang lucu. simak penjelasan mengenai game android Looney Tunes Dash Apk berikut :

Descriptions : Looney Tunes Dash APK has been discharged to new form 1.71.06. Do despite everything you recollect the unrivaled 90s toon called Looney Tunes? On the off chance that the answer is a major immense fat, then you ought to be cheerful in light of the fact that Zynga will make you feel nostalgic by exhibiting this diversion in their portable amusement. Yes, it implies you will have the capacity to meet Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, Tweety, and so forth. Presently say, what can even be better for an amusement to have all your adolescence most loved toon together in one casing? The answer is literally nothing yet this. The most fascinating part is the point at which you realize that the amusement is made 3D so you can see that you can be additionally required there. What a fun diversion to execute the fatigue!

Yes, this amusement by Zynga will take the gamers, you, to feel the genuine impression of being there, where every character has its own adversary. The gamers need to escape from the adversary. The other sensation for the gamers is the truths about there are much difficulties inside. The gamers need to hop, slide, and crush the test passed. Every character in Looney Tunes Dash for Android has their own extraordinary capacity. This capacity would all be able to be gotten right when they complete the target from mission played. While the gamers are running, they can likewise gather stars and have some most astounding scores!

This perpetual run diversions is likewise used with quite numerous fascinating level. In every level, the gamers will be requested that complete certain goal. The diverse between this perpetual run amusements with the other is that the gamers will keep running with no goal. For instance, Tweety figures out how to escape to Grandma's home fleeing from Sylvester the flying creature catcher, in the last level. As such, this diversion is madly fun and addicting. On the off chance that you view yourself as a gamer and an adolescence stuff gatherer, then this amusement is justified regardless of a shot!

Features :
  • Run as Bugs Bunny, Tweety Bird, Road Runner, and other favorite Looney Tunes characters!
  • Explore and run in iconic Episodes like Painted Desert, Tweety’s Neighborhood, and more!
  • Complete level goals to progress on the Looney Tunes map and unlock more zones!
  • Unlock and master each character’s Special Ability for extra running power!
  • Grab Power-Ups to fly like a superhero, blast through obstacles, plus loads of other surprises!
  • Collect Looney Tunes Collector’s Cards to fill your Looney Tunes Bin and learn fun trivia!
  • Prank other Looney Tunes characters for more coins and points!

Informations :
  • Developer : Zynga  
  • Version : 1.71.06  
  • Requirement : 4.0.3 and up  
  • Price : Free

What's New :
  • Episode 31: “Speedy Con Queso” starring Speedy and Sylvester.
  • Run, jump, and slide your way through Speedy’s Mexican village while staying ahead of Sylvester and his insatiable hunger!
  • Brand-new Looney Card Collection: “Clips and Dip”

Screenshot :
http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/looney-tunes-dash-v17106-apk.html  http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/looney-tunes-dash-v17106-apk.html  http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/looney-tunes-dash-v17106-apk.html

Demikian penjelasan singkat mengenai Game Android Looney Tunes Dash apk semoga apa yang kami bagikan bermanfaat bagi anda, terima kasih. tetap tunggu update selanjutnya dari pieemen.com


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