
Plants vs. Zombies™ Heroes v1.2.11 APK


Free Download Plants vs. Zombies™ Heroes Apk New Update Terbaru 2016 - Selamat pagi para pengunjung pieemen.com dimanapun anda berada, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan informasi mengenai game android yang berjudul Plants Vs Zombie Heroes, Plants vs. Zombies™ Heroes merupakan game yang diadopsi dari permainan PC Plants Vs Zombies dengan modifikasi karakter Hero(pahlawan) dengan tampilan yang berbeda dan medan yang berbeda, Plants vs Zombies Heroes adalah sebuah game strategy yang sama seperti game plants vs zombies satu dan dua.Tetapi game Plants vs Zombies Heroes ini memiliki tampilan yang berbeda,seperti jalan permainannya ke atas dan ke bawah,Tetapi game Plants vs Zombies Heroes ini memiliki tampilan karakter dan musuh yang berbeda dari plants vs zombies pada umumnya.Untuk tampilan game Plants vs Zombies Heroes ini silahkan lihat saja screenshoot dari game Plants vs Zombies Heroes di bawah ini.

Descriptions : Plants versus Zombies™ Heroes APK is currently accessible with the most recent rendition 1.2.11. A major amazement originates from the declaration of Plant versus Zombie' turn off diversion which is serving somewhat gameplay, not the same as the first form. In the wake of battling with Garden Warfare on the console, this time through this diversion, EA and PopCap Games does not simply take after pattern of dueling card amusement that was extremely well known in cell phone, additionally give an intriguing great amusement. Without losing the fight topic trademark between plants against zombies that makes it famous, PopCap presents the diversion with duel card component. This new instrument makes it so not the same as whatever other PvP card recreations.

PvP activity in the diversion is more appropriate to be known as a blend between Magic the Gathering with the barrier line activity. You will duel in a mottle coliseum, two players will rival each other emphatically with line of cards they have. Like the style of unique Plant versus Zombie, that enclosure will be premise technique to overcome the rival. There you can set zombie or plant to assault, square foe, and others. By using the enclosure, two players will duel with all their cards until one of them lost.

Strikingly, player can likewise pick what sort of legend characters that will speak to their symbol in fight, extending from zombies like Superman, covered bean plants, and the sky is the limit from there. Every saint that you pick has extraordinary assaults. Through its special model, I'm certain Plants versus Zombies Heroes will be amusement for PvP duel card diversion likes Hearthstone. This amusement is free for everybody so you can play it for nothing.

Features :

Informations :
  • Developer : ELECTRONIC ARTS  
  • Version : 1.2.11   
  • Requirement : 4.1 and up  
  • Price : Free

What's New :
  • Ranked multiplayer – rise up the ranks and earn Premium rewards
  • 200 plantastic new battles, including alternate gameplay rules
  • Collection View – see your whole collection at a glance
  • New and improved Deck Builder
  • Updated card abilities – see them all at pvzheroes.com

Screenshot :
http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/plants-vs-zombies-heroes-v1211-apk.html  http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/plants-vs-zombies-heroes-v1211-apk.html  http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/plants-vs-zombies-heroes-v1211-apk.html

http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/plants-vs-zombies-heroes-v1211-apk.html  http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/plants-vs-zombies-heroes-v1211-apk.html  http://www.pieemen.com/2016/06/plants-vs-zombies-heroes-v1211-apk.html

Demikian penjelasan singkat mengenai game android Plants vs. Zombies™ Heroes Apk semoga apa yang kami bagikan bermanfaat bagi anda, terima kasih. tetap tunggu update selanjutnya dari pieemen.com.


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